Reminiscence House
Reminiscence House Outreach
Reminiscence House Outreach: RT delivered to aged care villages and nursing homes using props from decades tailored to suit the participants.
Cares for living humans, offers opportunity to care for material culture objects from the past.
Project can help link (often isolated) senior citizens with community groups or organisations such as libraries.
Status Making progress
- Find out if people are interested/ determine market
Contact aged care facilities, medical/health/wellness centres, dementia groups, community groups (seniors) to determine interest.
Test / Pilot to determine interest (2024 collab with TCC Libraries), (collab with Townsville Museum), private pilot (1980s).
2. Find partners, collaborators
Aged care residences, health/wellness/community centres, museums, libraries, op-shops, mental health professionals.
3. Find Resources
Obtain objects: determine most effective objects – typewriters, magazines, household goods, something scented – soap, talc, small tools.
4. Promote
Create website, flyers, social media campaign, networks of interested parties.
5. Deliver
Obtain objects: determine most effective objects – typewriters, magazines, household goods, something scented – soap, talc, small tools, cases for transport (vintage cases/plastic bins), mannequins to display vintage clothing, banners of vintage scenes to help create a vibe at outreach locations, magazines, books, musical recordings, phonograph player, chenille bedspread,
Cost: $1000 – $2000
Create website:
Print flyers
Register business name
Estimated cost $2000
Estimated time days
Anticipated outcomes Social
Reminiscence House offers reminiscence to increase wellbeing outcomes for older Australians, especially those with dementia, Alzheimer’s, cognitive impairment. The service could reduce demand for medical or other therapeutic services, easing the pressure on a medical system stretched by ageing population.
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Organisations that could help with this project
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Project first added by human Nathalie Fernbach on April 11, 2024 at 2:52 pm.
Recently updated by human Nathalie Fernbach on April 11, 2024 at 2:52 pm.