PUNQ Art Fair
A booth for PUNQ (Pop-up North Queensland) Arts Fair
It’s a good promotion opportunity for my arts practice.
It’s a way to display the artwork I have been doing, and to remain very much part of a dynamic arts community.
I have the flowers but deciding how best to display within the bounds of the booth is something I can’t know for sure until I start installing the flowers into the booth. The Art Fair venue is the old Westpac bank. Carboard boxes will be used to create a maze like series of booths. It’s up to me how I best use the booth to create the display, keeping in mind that the walls will be cardboard boxes and also any stands that I make to use in it. Also the install window is very short (less than a week). I have decided I will lay the cut out flowers on a cardboard box platform and cover them with clear vinyl (otherwise, I would have to stick them to something which will mean I can’t reuse them for something totally different. They be won’t be for sale. I will re-use the plastic flowers I made for a my previous exhibition to decorate the booth. I may include some some semi spherical glass balls with the paper flowers under them and some vases of plastic flowers. I may use tiny magnets to pin large, not cut-out flowers on the walls.
It furthers my art careers and helps satisfy my desire to create.
Status Making progress
- Step 1…Check out the venue and organize what I need to do.
- Step 2…Go shopping and keep thinking. Also create some more of the larger flowers.
- Step 3…Start making whatever extra boxes I need. Check my square still works.
- Step 4…Start setting it up
- …Remember to breathe and pray it all works.
Provided: venue, cardboard and carboard boxes, advertising.
Need to purchase: clear vinyl, pins,
I have: the flowers, glue, glue gun, stapler, metal rulers, tape measures, white card, magnets, etc
Estimated cost $50
Estimated time 7 days
Anticipated outcomes Social, Economic, Ecological
It’s an art fair open to the public and heavily promoted.
I may either have work for sale or it will generate and interest in my for sale works.
It’s creates an interest in the environment e.g. plants
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Project first added by human Lynn on July 26, 2024 at 5:21 pm.
Recently updated by human Lynn on July 26, 2024 at 5:21 pm.