Drunk Dog Jams – boutique condiment
A fun simple web app that suggests combinations for blending condiments.
Because I like discovering new condiment flavours and mixing them on my sandwiches.
More likely that I have had this idea since travelling the Silk Road in 2008 and continue to dabble with the idea every few years.
I am curious to see if I can make this type of web app for friends and family at the least.
A simple fun web app that allows you to mix and match condiment flavour suggestions for your sandwiches.
I have been dabbling with this idea since travelling the Silk Road in 2008 and meeting many interesting people and flavours. Every few years I remember the idea and tinker with it. So far, I’ve developed the concept but need to make time to test and improve the web app, which includes adding condiments. Might be more fun to include people and add condiments manually based on people’s genuine experience with each condiment.
A form of creativity and community; food and a fun creative app that brings people together.
Status Completed
- Acquire resources/funding/skills to make the web app
- Design the web app
- Taste and add condiments
- Encourage other people to participate – have a condiments BBQ party!
- Test and improve the web app
- Have fun!
- Internet connection
- Access to a server to host the web app
- Knowledge for how to create a web app (tutorials, mentors, AI…)
- Access to a computer
- Time to make the app
- Condiments to taste and add
Estimated cost $300
Estimated time 30 days
Places DakTech Makerspace Facility
Anticipated outcomes Social, Economic
People can participate and I can share the experience with friends, family, peers, etc. I suppose I could setup a commercial aspect to the app, but at this moment it’s just for fun!
Related dream(s) Neighbourhood siesta
Industries that may relate to this project food, Technology
People who could help with this project
- People who love coding/creating apps and websites
- People who love good food, particularly condiments
- Boutique markets
- Friends, families, neighbourhood…
Places that could help with this project
- A comfortable place to develop the web app
- A place to have a ‘condiments party’ where people can contribute/share/taste different condiments and add genuine experiences to the app, then for fun, ask the app to suggest flavour combinations.
Organisations that could help with this project
- Web development orgs
- Boutique markets/condiment producers
Related to the initiative: Improving Social Inclusion Pathways for Low-Income Families in Townsville through Place-Based Creative Collaborations
Project first added by human Michael Bromage on June 26, 2024 at 6:14 pm.
Recently updated by human Michael Bromage on August 12, 2024 at 5:31 pm.