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DND supplies
making DND supply’s and selling them to dm’s and players in the local area
this project solves the problem of not many DND related props being available for purchase or use.
Status Making progress
- Step 1 make a small trial batch to test for a market.
- Step 2 if there is a market make marketing and designs to advertise the products.
- Step 3 make the products on a larger scale.
- Step 4 scale up marketing, production and range of products / target audience
access to 3d printer/s and laser cutter/s to produce the products and starting funds to purchase the materials needed to make them (i.e. filament, wood)
Estimated cost $
Estimated time days
Anticipated outcomes Social, commercial
this project will have a social impact by increasing the interactivity of DND and increasing the player base.
this project will also have a commercial impact by stimulating economic growth on a small scale.
Related dream(s)
Industries that may relate to this project arts, Manufacturing, Recreation
People who could help with this project
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Organisations that could help with this project
Related to the initiative:
Project first added by human Caylan Rout on March 28, 2024 at 2:49 pm.
Recently updated by human Caylan Rout on April 2, 2024 at 4:26 pm.